St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000133

Image 133 of 27920th April 1773

From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster Etca.

Westminster Bridge Office
20th. April 1773.

This being the Day appointed for Hearing the Appeal of John Maddocks< no role > Esqr.
and several other Persons Owners or Inhabitants of Chambers in the New Square or
Serles Court Lincolns Inn against a Rate made by the Committee for the Parish of
St. Clement Danes for Paving Lighting and Cleansing for one year from Lady Day
1772. to Lady Day 1773. and Council having been heard on both sides the Commissrs.
Were of Opinion That the Rate appealed against should be confirmed.

Geo: Box< no role > . Clerk to the Commissioners.

From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster Etc.
Westminster Bridge Office
April 27th. 1773.

Resolved, That the Order of the 16th. of March last and the Amendments
made there to on the 16th. of April Inst. be reversed and that instead thereof the following
Order be transmitted to the several Committees.

Ordered, That the Surveyor do from Time to Time survey the several Works
carrying on in the respective Parishes and report to the Commrs: if the same are not done
agreeable to the Forms and Levels directed by him and in other Respects not agreeable
to Contract, and that he do Certify on the Back of the Bills for such respective
New Works that the same have been complied with; and that it be recommended to
the several Committees to direct a Copy of this Order to be given to each Contractor
at the time of executing his Contract.

May 4th. 1773

Ordered, That the several Committees who have not yet transmitted to the
Commrs. Abstracts or Extracts signed by their Clerk containing the true Amount of all
Money's by them respectively rated and Assessed from Lady Day 1772. to Lady Day
1773. and at how much in the Pound and of the amount of so much of all and every
such Rates as shall appear to them to be collected and received and in Arrear and
unreceived, be desired to cause the same to be done forthwith agreeable to the direction
of the Act of Parliament.

Geo: Box< no role > , Clerk to the Commrs.

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