Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030520

Image 520 of 7482nd June 1709

Ordrs. of Court Confined

Also the Several Orders of the last Court being read are
confirmed by this Court.

Stewards for Elleccon
day Chosed Vizt.
Danvers Mr John< no role >
Clarke Giles< no role > Esqr .
Walkden Mr Richd< no role > .
Bryan Mr Turberville
brake Mr. Wm.
Rowley Mr. John
Johnson Mr. Robt.
Henshace Mr. Benj
Eindar Md Tho.
Lyell Mr Henry
Clarke Jno. Esqr
Frewen Sr Edwd}

Also at this Court the Covernors. herafter named Vizt
Mr John Danvers< no role > Giles Clarke Esqr . Mr Richard Walkden< no role >
Mr. Bryan Turberville< no role > Mr. William Drake< no role > Mr. John Rowley< no role >
Mr. Robert Johnson< no role > Mr. Benjamin Henshaw< no role > Mr. Tho. Pindar< no role >
Mr. Henry Lyell< no role > John Clarke< no role > Esqr . and Sr . Edward Frewen< no role > were
chosen Stewards for the next Eleccon day of these Hospitals
who are desired to provide a Diner as their been Venne for the
President Trear and Governors. to dine together according to antient
Custome And in case any of the sd. Stewards elected decline
or refuse the same The Clerke is to Supply the number of

Allen John< no role >
[..] have a new Lease [..]

Also at this Court came Mr. John Allen< no role > Tenant of part
of the ground at Wappen belonging to this Hospital who byan
Order of this Court made the 9th. day of July 1703 was to have
a new Lease of the sd ground with an Addition of 28; yeares to his
Terme in being whereon he was to build wth. in
Two yeares and acquainting this Court That he could not
attend the Comee of this house to whom the matter was
referred by an Order of the last Court and praying that the sd
Lease may be made to him accordingly and promiseing forth wth.
to pay all his arrsared of rent and to build the premisses by
Christmas next If is Ordered that upon the sd
Mr Allens paying his arreares of rent and Surrendring his
Old lease a new Lease be made to him according to the sd. Order
of the 9th of July 1703 with a Covenant that he Shall build
the premisses by Christmas next in the manner prescribed
by the sd. Order

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