Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030551

Image 551 of 74818th October 1709

Mr Pughes propossall
from ye parish of St. Bennett
Pauls Wharfe touching ye
Arreares of an Annuity of
£5 ye. Gift ofMr. Arnold
Referred to Comee

Also this Court being informed that there are about tenn
years Arreares of an Annuity of five pounds the Gift of
Mr. Edmond Arnold< no role > to the Hospital of Bridewell due
from the parish of St. Bennetts Pauls wharfe and that one
MrPugh Attended wth. a proposeal for paymt. of the said
Arreares on behalfe of the said parish he was called in and
proposed that the fourth parte of the said Arreares due att
Michas last should be paid at Christmas next And the Remr.
att three Equall yearly payments att Christmas and that the
growing payments Should be made quarterly as they become In
Itt is Ordered That the Consideracon thereof be Referred
to Mr. Treasurer and Mr. Cottle who are desired to settle the
matter wth. the parish as they shall thinks fitt.

Gillingham Jeffrey< no role >
an Artsmar . his Petition to
have the Indre of Richd
< no role > his Appr (who
was killed at Sea) in order to
receive his Wages Referr'd to

Also upon reading unto this Court the humble Petiton
of Jeffery Gillingham< no role > Punimaker one of the Artsmars . of
this Hospital Setting forth That Richard Poppleton< no role > about
five yeares since was by Order of this Court putt Apprentice
to the Petr. with whom he stay'd a yeare and then went
to sea where he was lately killed as the Petr. is informed
by the said Poppletons Father And that the Petr. at his owne
Charge maintained his said Apprentice above a yeare
in which time his service was rather a Detriment than
a profitt to the Petr And there being forme wages due to the
said Poppleton the Petr cannot search to Know whether the
said Richard Poppleton< no role > be dead or not nor recieve his wayes
without carryeing his Indenture of Apprentiship wth. him
and praying that this Court will Ordr that the Clerke may
deliver the said Indenture to the Petr. for that purpose [..]
Itt is Ordered That it be Referred to the Comittee of this
House to give such directions therein as they shall thinks fitt

Empson Porter his Petn
for a Compensaton for 2
Montly Lodging of
Tho. Clarkson< no role > deferred}

Also the humble Peticon of Wm. Empson< no role > the Porter of this
Hospital was read Settingforth That Thomas Clarkson< no role > a
Vagrant was Comitted to this Hospital by the Right Worshippfull
Sr . William Wythers< no role > Presdt . of these Hospitals the 30th of Decr.
last and by Ordr of this Court made the 21th. Jany was to

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