St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th January 1775 - 17th January 1776

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103150110

Image 110 of 11213th January 1776

Middlesex ss}

Mary Dudley< no role > the widow of Samuel Dudley< no role > deced
& Hannah Horner< no role > the Daughter of the sd Depont Mary Dudley< no role > and
Widow of Jonathan Horner< no role > deced Severally make oath And first
the sd Mary Dudley< no role > Saith That She is the Daughter of one Richard
< no role > deced who (as she has been informed by him & her late Mothr
deced) was born in the parish of Endfield in the county of Middx
& Served part of his Apprenticeship there to a Shoemaker & by Means
thereof gained a legal Settlement there & that he did not afterwards
do any Act to gain a Subsequent Settlement to this Deponts Knowledge
or belief That she this Deponent formerly & Previous to her Marriage
with her Said late husband Samuel Dudley< no role > was lawfully married
to one Joseph Hill< no role > deced who as he has informed her & as she believes
was by Birth an Trishman & who to her Knowledge or belief
never did any Act to gain a Settlement for himself in the Kingdom
of Great Britain That she this Depont never did any act to gain a Settlemt for herself before her Marriages That the Said other Deponent Hannah Horner< no role >
is the Daughter & lawful Issue of this Deponent by her Said first
husband Joseph Hill< no role > & never was bound an Apprentice nor
ever lived as a hired Servant for a year nor ever did any Act
to gain a Settlement for herself Save What She might have Acquired
by marriage with her said late husband Jonathan Horner< no role >
deced Whose Place of Settlement is unknown to this Deponent
And the Said Deponent Hannah Horner< no role > Saith that She was
lawfully married to her Said late Husband Jonathan Horner< no role >
in the parish Church of St John Westmr this Deponts Mother
the sd Mary Dudley< no role > being Present & Consenting thereto & this
Deponent Can give no Account respecting the Settlement of
her sd late Husband Jonathan Horner< no role > She this Deponent
not knowing nor ever having received any information relative
there to That She this Deponent hath three Children namely Mary< no role >
Aged about Six Years Thomas Aged about Four Years & ten Months
& Celia< no role > aged about Six Weeks the lawful Issue of this Deponent
by her Said late husband & this Depont never did any Act to gain
a Settlement for herself Save what She may have Acquired by Marriage

Sworn this 13th day of
January 1776 before
Geo. C. Smith< no role >

Mary Dudley< no role >
The Mark of
Hannah [mark] Horner< no role >

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