St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

14th April 1766 - 17th February 1804

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAMV114020099

Image 99 of 65228th December 1769

St. Botolph Aldgate London

At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church
on Tuesday the 25th. day of Septr. 1770.


Mr Wm. Taylor< no role >
Mr Joseph Read< no role > } Chruchwardens

Mr Stafford
Mr Barnett
Mr Hatcher
Mr Tucker} Overseers

Mr John Barnett< no role >
Mr John Dyer< no role >
Mr. A: F: Kemp
Mr. G: N: Stephens
Mr James Sise< no role >

Mr. John Bayzand< no role >
Mr George Ritherdon< no role >
Mr Fras. Smith< no role >
Mr Johnson Pistor
Mr Rust

Mr. John Hough< no role >
Mr Richd. Clark< no role >
Mr Potter
Mr Robt Harding< no role >

Read & Confirmed the Minutes of the last Vestry

The Vestry now took into Consideration the present state of the
Master of the Workhouse who through illness & Infirmities is rendred
in capable of doing the Duties of his Office & Resolved and Ordered [..]
the following Notice be given in the Church on Sunday next - (vizt.)

The present Master of the Workhouse of this Parish being
rendred by illness & infirmities incapable of performing [..]
Duties of his Office. Notice is hereby given that a Vestry
of this Parish will beheld on Thursday the 4th day of
October next at four o'Clock in the Afternoon precisely to
receive proposals from any Inhabitant of this Parish wil [..]
to take on him the case of the sd. House and Poor as Master
during the sd. present Master's Illness.

The Affair Agitated at the last Vestry relating to the Parish's
Quarter part of the Houses in the Minories agreed to be Let to [..]

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