City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th July 1788 - 30th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650010074

Image 74 of 46512th August 1788


Thos. [mark] Shelton< no role >


An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at London that is to say, at the parish of Saint
Bartholomew the Lessin the ward of Farrington without in London aforesaid on the Twelfth day of
August in the Twenty eight Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George this third by the grace of God of
Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth Before Thomas Shelton< no role >
Gentleman Coroner of our said Lord the King for the City of London and Borough if Southwark on view of the Body of William Jones< no role >
now here lying Dead by the Oath of Robert Faulding< no role > , William Barker< no role > , John Jackson< no role > , John Hunt< no role > , William Wilson< no role > ,
John Pernchough, William Fraile, John Dawson< no role > , William Morss, Thomas Whitaker< no role > , John Nash< no role > , John Brown< no role > William Catchpole< no role > ,
Ralph Monk< no role > , Edward Tawitt< no role > and George Stonard good and lawful men of the City of London aforesaid who being nowhere duly chosen sworn
and charged to inquire for our said Lord the King when how and in what manner the said William Jones< no role > came to his death say upon their
oath that the said William Jones< no role > on the thirtieth day of July in the twenty eighth year aforesaid with force and arms at the Parish of Saint
Giles Camberwell< no role > in the County of Surrey in and upon one John Winterbottom< no role > in the peace of God and our said Lord the King then and there being
unlawfully and violently did make an assault And that the said William Jones< no role > with the buttend of a certain whip called a
Cart Whip which the said William Jones< no role > in both his hands then and there had and held in and upon the head of him the
said John Winterbottom< no role > unlawfully violenlty and forcibly did divers times strike and beas Giving to him the said John
Winterbottom then and there by such striking and bealing with the whip aforesaid and very many grievous and violent
blows and strokes in and upon the said Mead of him the said John Winterbottom< no role > and other wrongs to the said John Winterbottom< no role >
then and there unlawfully and violently did To the great damage of the said John Winterbottom< no role > and against the peace of our said Lord the King
his Crown and Dignity And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that while the said William Jones< no role > was so then and there assaulting
and bealing him the said John Winterbottom< no role > with the butt and of the said Whip as aforesaid he the said John Winterbottom< no role > in order to prevent
she said William Jones< no role > from any more bealing him with the Whip aforesaid and In the preservation and safety of his person and of inevitable
Necessitis did then and therewith both the hands of him the said John Winterbottom< no role > defend himself against such the violent assault of him
the said William Jones< no role > a set was lawful for him to do And that the said William Jones< no role > did then and there receive against the will of him the
said John Winterbottom< no role > by the falls and blows which he the said she said William Jones< no role > then and there sustained by his the said John Winterbottom< no role > so
defending himself as aforesaid divers mortal wounds and bruises in and upon the head face back side arms legs and thighs of him the said
William Jones< no role > Of which said mortal wounds and bruises he the said William Jones< no role > from the said the thirtieth day of July in the twenty eighth year
aforesaid until the tenth day of August in the same year as well at the said parish of Saint Gills Camberwell in the County of Surrey aforesaid as also at the
said parish of Saint Bartholomew the less in the said Ward of Farrington without in London aforesaid languish and languishing did live On which
said tenth day of august in the twenty eighth year aforesaid at the Parish last aforesaid in the Ward in London aforesaid the said William Jones< no role >
of the said wounds and bruises did die And is the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said John Winterbottom< no role > him the said
William Jones< no role > in the defence of himself the said John Winterbottom< no role > in manner and by the means aforesaid justifiably did kill and slayIn Witness
whereof as well the said Coroner as the said Robert Faulding< no role > the foreman of the said Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in
examd their presence have to this Inquistion set their hands and seals the day year and place first above written

Robt. Faulding< no role > [mark] Foreman

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