City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1789 - 30th December 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650020129

Image 129 of 101916th February 1789

London and Southwark Information of Witnesses taken at
the parish of Saint John within the Borough of
Sourthwark in the County of Surrey on the 16th
day of February 1789 on view of the body of
Ezekiah Davies< no role > now here lying dead.

Thomas Sharp< no role > an A [..] to John Pendegrant
Marter of the Brig John and Bella [..] of
Workington in the County of Cumber land maketh Oath
and saith that he came a Passengers from Cork to London
in the Brig Cambray now lying at the Pickle Herring
Chain on the navigable River of Thames that about the
hour of seven in the Evening of Thursday last as he was
standing upon the Deck of said Brig Cambray just by the
Pump he fell something Crush his High it being
then Dark-that the thought fit it had been something
fellow of the Top of said vessel and on looking round
he said the deceased lying on the Deck-that he called
out to the people on board said Vessel that to man had
felldown upon Deck that some of the people belonging
to said Vessel came that the deceased did not speak
that the deceased was taken into the Cabbin of said
of vessel-that a Surgeon was sent for who came and
bled the deceased-but he even recovered.

Sworn the 16th day
February 1789 before me}

T Shelton Corr< no role >

Thomas Sharper< no role >

Alexander Verdren< no role > a Mariner belonging to the said
Brig Cambray< no role > maketh Oath and saith that the deceased
was a Mariner belonging to the said vessel and came in her
from cork to London-that about ½ past Six on Thursday
Evening last the deceased and Dept. went up to the
Maintopsail Yard of said Vessel in order to Row up the
Maintopsail-that Dept. went more side of the Yard
and the deceased on the other-thatdeceasedDept.
having foul'd his side of the Sail up first went down on
the Deck of the said vessel leaving the deceased on the
Yard soon after he was down, he heard an alarm that
a Man had fallen upon Deck that he went and saw
the deceased lying on the Deck with one side of his head

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