City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1790 - 30th December 1790

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650030087

Image 87 of 94910th February 1790

London Depositions of Witnesses taken at London, that
is to say, at the Parish of Saint Sepulchere in the
Ward of Farringdon without in London aforesaid
the 10th: day of February 1790 on view of the Body of
Ann Miller< no role > then and there lying Dead

Mary Flanngan< no role > Widow a Prisoner in His Majesty's Gaol of
Newgate maketh Oath that the path known the deced Ann Miller< no role >
between eight and nine Weeks that the was also asd in ones in the said Gaol
that about a Month since the deced was delivered of a Male Infant
which died the day following its Birth-that the deced had a fever on
her about a Week previous to her Delivery which continued on her
until her death that she continued to got worse dailey until
Yesterday a Morning about a quarter part Six when she deserted
this Life That the was attended by the Surgeon of the said Gaol and
had as much care taken of her [..] as the situation of the Place would
allow and the situation the was in required and Deponent believes
the fever occasioned her Deaths

Sworn the 10th. day of February 1720
before me}

The Mark of Mary Flannagan< no role > [mark]

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