City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1790 - 30th December 1790

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650030782

Image 782 of 94912th November 1790


Depositions of Witnesses taken at the new
Gaol for the County of Surrey situate in the
Parish of Saint George - within the Borough
of Southwark in the County of Surrey the 12th day
of November 1790 on view of the body of ann
Thomas Carrewell< no role > now here lying dead

Richard Lester< no role > a Prisoner in His Majesty's new Gaol for the
County of Surrey maketh Oath that he hath known the deced
Thomas Carewell< no role > about six Months - That he was also a Prisoner in
the said Gaol - that the deced has been in the Hospital of the said
Gaol the whole of that time ill in a decline or Consumption - that
for these last two Months the deced appeared to get worse and
wasted away daily and so bad as to be in capable of sitting
up a whole day together - that for there last three Weeks
the deced [..] has been so ill as to keep to his Bed that he continued
very ill until the hour of one this Morning when do departed
this Life - that he was attended by the Surgeon of the said
Gaol and Dept. has no doubt the aforesaid Complaint
occasioned the deceds death.

Sworn this 12th: day of November 1790
before me}

Richard Lester< no role >

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