City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1790 - 30th December 1790

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650030807

Image 807 of 94916th November 1790


Depositions of Witnesses taken and London
that is to say at the parish of Allhallows
Barking in the Ward of Tower in London
aforesaid the 16th. day of November 1790
on view of the Body of Edward Oliver< no role >
now here lying dead

John Laugher< no role > a Corporal in the 1st. Batalion of the Coldstream Regiment
of Foot maketh Oath that about ½ part nine at Night of Saturday
last the 13th. instt: Dept: [..] being then Corporal of the Guard doing duly
at the Wharf belonging to the Towers of London and near the River Thames
[..] a Man came into the Guard house while Dept: was
there that said Man appeared to be an elderly Man about that he
[..] was dressed in white Stockings Lorderry Breeches a Red Waistcoat
and a Round Flat on males a Coal beet what colour his Coat was
Dept can't recollect that he appeared to be intoxicated with Liquor
and asked leave to sleep in the Guard house which was granted him
that he lay down on the Guard Bed but having a bad Cough did not by an
above an hour & half when he got up and sat by the five that he remained
in the Guard house until about five the [..] Morning when he left
the Guard house and Dept. don't know what became of him after: That
Dept. has seen the deced lying in the bone house and he is sure it is the same
person as was in the Guard house as before mentioned

Sworn the 16th day of
Novr. 1790 before me}

J. Shelton Corr.

John Laughin< no role >

Samuel Saltonstal< no role > of No. 1 Potters fields Horsley down in the Parish
of Saint John in the Borough of Southwark Lighterman maketh Oath that
between the hours of eight and Nine in the Morning of Sunday last Dept. was
employed haulins, a Lighter to the Custom house Quay London that a
little distance from said Quay towards the Tower Wharf he observed the
deced [..] in the Water his head just even with the surface of the Water and
his feet towards the bottom almost in an up wright posture that he look the
deced out of the Water and lay him in the Lighter that he was quite dead and cold that this Breeches
were [..] un buttoned that they appeared of a Light Colour and like
Corderoy that he had on a blue Waistcoat a blue [..] under Coat and a kind of Reddish
great Coat over it and white Stockings that he found a few half pence in the
right hand Waistcoat pocket of the deced and in his left hand Waistcoat pocket
Knife and a piece of paper which Dept. afterwards dried and [..]
heard the same read it appeared to be a Certificate of one Edward Oliver< no role > 's having belonged to some
Ship in the Navey and entitled to prize Money That Dept afterwards
informed the Officers of the parish of the deced being there and some after on
the deced was taken out of the Lighter and conveyed on Shore

Sworn the 16th day of
Novr. 1790 before me}

T. Shelton

Samuel Saltonstall< no role >

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