City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

31st December 1793 - 24th December 1794

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650070069

Image 69 of 65924th January 1794

LondonDepositions of Witnesses taken at London
that is to say, at the parish of Saint Botolph
without Bishopsgate in the Ward of
Bishopsgate without in London aforesaid
the 24th day of January 1794 on view of the
Body of Mary Lewis< no role > now here lying Dead.

John Parry< no role > Watchman of the parish of Saint Botolph
without Bishopsgate London maketh Oath that about ½ past
ten Wednesday Night last Dept. going his round formed the deced
leaning against a Wall of at House in Dunnings Alley her Petticoats down
about her Heels and all her Cloath, very much out of Order
Dept. spoke to her but reced no answer and thinking the was
intoxicated took her into Bishopsgate street that she sat down there
Dept. saw the decad several times after and about ½ past two
the deced being then in Angel Alley Dept took her from thence to the
watch home and there left in her Change of the officer of the
Night-about ½ past six Dept. saw the decad taken in a Chair
from the watch hometo the poor house-that while the deced
was in the Watch house she appeared very unwell that her
Cloaths were very Dirty an if she had fallen

Sworn this 24th. day of January
1794 before me}

Jas Parry< no role >

Thomas Sapwell< no role > and Inspecter of the watch in the parish [..]
Botolph without Bishopsgate London maketh Oath that the
decad was brought into the Watch house of said Parish about ½ pastives
yesterday Morning that her Cloaths were very Dirty and half off-Dept spoke
to her but deced no answer Dept. thought she was in intoxicated
that the continued in that late until ¼ past six when she was
taken to the Work house-at which time Dept. saw some alteration
in her which induced Dept to believe she was un well and not
so much intoxicated as he had before thought

Sworn this 24th day of January
1794 before me}

Thos. Sapwell< no role >

Mary Wright< no role > Spinster a Duper in the Workhouse of the
parish of Saint Botolph without Bishopsgate maketh oath
that between six and seven OClock Yesterday Morning
the deced was brought into the said Workhouse that she was put the Bed-that was thought to be intoxicated
that some wine was offered to her but she was quite insensible
and could not open her Month to take it-that she continued
in an insensible that until between even and eight when
she departed this Life

Sworn this 24th January
1794 before me}

Marry Wright< no role >

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