City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

31st December 1793 - 24th December 1794

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650070087

Image 87 of 6591st February 1794

LondonDepositions of Witness taken at London
that is to says as the parish of Saint Botolph
without Bishopsgate into the Ward of Bishops-
gate with out in London aforesaid the 1st. day
of February 1794 on view of the Body of
Henry Peters< no role > no where lying Dead

John Robertson< no role > of Bishopsgate Street London Apotheway
maketh Oath that about the elve OClock to Day he examined
the deced-that he appeared to be a very aged and in firm
Man no external appearances by which Dept. could
[..] tain what could occasion in the deceds Death but
there were no marks of violence upon the deced Dept.
conduder the decided died from infirmity and old Age

Sworn this day of February
1794 before me}

John Robertson< no role >

John Golding< no role > a Horn preper lodging at No. 9 Cains Rents Acorn Alley
Bishopsgate Street London maketh Oath that about part
ten on Thursday Night 2 last on Dept. going into the Maghye
Crom Skinner Street he saw the deced sitting on a Bench
with his Head and Table in the Tap Room of that House
that he grouned very much the Landlord Mr Nowlan
hearing him event to him & lifted his Hat and sayed him
appearel very ill the deced sayed he way ill-that about eleven OClock Mr Nowlan
working to that his Home up wished the deced was gone
and of the House Dept. sayed he would see him Home
Mr Nowlan telling him where the deced lived Dept.
took hold of the deced Acorm and helped him out of the House
and from thence led him to a House No. 6 Acorn Alley
Dept understandg. the deced lodged in the one [..] of Stairs
of that House-that while leading the deced along he sayed
he was very sick that he held his Head agst. a Wall but brought
nothing off his them out-that when Dept had him to
the said House he assisted him up three stairs when the
deced sat down and sayed he could go no higher Dept
then left him there that he appeared very unwell at the

Sworn this 1st. day of February
1794 before me}

John [mark] Golding< no role >

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