Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120155

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The King at the prosecution of Thomas Dibbs< no role >
Samuel Wilson< no role >

Thomas Dibbs< no role > of Mitre Court Cheapside London Ribbon weaver Assignee of the
Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Wilson< no role > Thomas Hicklin of Bread Street
London Silk Merchant William Thompson< no role > of Basinghall Street London Hosier and
Benjamin Brockhurst< no role > This name instance is in set 2995. of Wood Street London Merchant Sarah Barnes< no role > of
Newtoners Sane Middlesex & Midwife and Richard Curtis< no role > of Newtoners Lane aforesaid
Victualler each of then speaking for him and herself severally make oath as follows
And first these Deponents Dibbs Hicklin< no role > and Brock hurst for themselves severally say
That upon the said Samuel Wilsons< no role > Examinations under the Commission of Bankrupt
which issued against him in March one thousand seven hundred and sixty five these
Deponents from his prevaricating and Contradicting himself and from the imperfect
and unsatisfactory Account he gave of the Deficiency in his Estate were severally
persuaded that he the said Bankrupt did not give a true account and these Deponents
then severally believed he had concealed some considerable part of his Estate and
they verily believe from the manner in which the Commissioner's expressed themselves
that they were intirely of the same Opinion although there Deponents could not
till lately find any sufficient proof upon which to Charge the said Samuel Wilson< no role >
with any Concealment But these Deponents severally Say that about fourteen Days
since they heard that Barbara Wilson< no role > Widow of William Wilson< no role > the Bankrupts
late Brother (which saw William was employed as an agent of the Bankrupt to
carry Goods for Sale to Bristol and other Places) was inclined to make a Discovery
upon which they went with her on the second day of April instant to Sir John
< no role > 's House where she swore to the Information upon which Samuel Wilson< no role >
stands committed whereby she Charges him with the removal and Concealment of
Effects to the amount of about seventy pounds of which to the best of these
Deponents knowledge and belief no Account whatsoever was given by the said Samuel
< no role > under the Commission And also with burning a Book of Account
because he was afraid it should be seen by his Creditors. When the said Barbara
Wilson was bound in a Recognizance to appear this Sessions at Hicks Hall to give
Evidence to the Grand Jury and was ordered to attend at the public office in Bow Street
on the Wednesday following when the said Samuel Wilson< no role > was to be he examined
which she promised to do and assured these Deponents that she would not withdraw
or absent herself but he ready to attend them and would tell the white teeth respecting
Samuel Wilson< no role > And these Deponents Hicklin and Thompson severally say That
in the Evening of the same Day after the said Barbara Wilson had been at Sir John
< no role > Vizt. on Saturday the second day of April instant these Deponents went to the
said Barbara Wilson who assured these Deponents that what she had sworn was
true and she would abide by the same and that she would make a (rather Discovery
And the Deponent William Thompson< no role > Saith that said Barbara Wilson then told him
she could Swear to the Concealment of Goods she believed were worth four hundred Pounds

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