Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120176

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of this Prosecution protest that he was totally innocent of the Charge
brought against him by the said Barbara Wilson and the prosecutors in this
Cause and expressed his wish and desire to be tryed on the Merits of his
Case and appeared to be very unhappy that the Said Barbara Wilson< no role >
did not appear last Sessions to prefer a Bill of Indictment against him
declaring he wished most heartily to have an Opportunity to Manifest his
Innocence to this Court End this Deponent further saith That from the
Instructions which this Deponent hath collected from the said Samuel
< no role > for his defence in this Cause there appears the greatest reason for
this Deponent to believe that the said Samuel Wilson< no role > is greatly
injured by this prosecution and that in all human probability he
would be honourably acquitted on a fair Tryal, And this Deponent saith
he is a Stranger to any means pretended to be used to induce the said
Barbara Wilson< no role > to abscond

Boath Sworn at the Sessions house
in the old Bailey this 20th. day of
May 1768}

By the Court

Mary [mark] Wilson< no role >

Nin Pinckney< no role >

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