Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120196

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The King at the Prosecution of Thomas Dibbs< no role >
Samuel Wilson< no role >

Middlesex to wit

Mary Dowland< no role > the Wife of James Dowland< no role > of
Newtoners Lane in the said County of Middlesex Sadler and Mark Cork< no role >
of Newgate Street London Book keeper to Mr. Joshua Warne< no role > of the same place
Merchant severally make Oath and say And first this Deponent Mary
< no role > for herself Saith that She Lodges in the House belonging to One Do [..]
Cooper in Newtoners Lane aforesaid where One Barbara Wilson the late Wife [..]
of William Wilson< no role > Deceased another to the said Samuel Wilson< no role > in the [..]
of March and April last likewise Lodged with One Mrs. Barnes in the same
House and that during the time the said Barbara Wilson Lodged with the
said Mrs. Barnes as aforesaid a great intimacy commenced between this
Deponent and the said Barbara Wilson whereby the said Barbara Wilson
often Used to make this Deponent Acquainted with her Affairs and in the
course of Conversation between them the said Barbara Wilson often told this
Deponent that She had been Used very Ill by the said Samuel Wilson< no role > and h [..]
Family and that it was in her power to hang the said Samuel Wilson< no role > as [..]
She could prove the Concealment of about Four Hundred Pounds which
he the said Samuel Wilson< no role > had given no Account of in his last
Examination under the Commission Issued against him or words to
that Effect to the best of this Deponent Recollection and belief And this
Deponent Saith that on Saturday the Second Day of April last in the Afternoon
of that Day the said Barbara Wilson informed this Deponent that She had been [..]
at Sir John Fieldings< no role > to give Information against the said Samuel Wilson< no role > [..]
for Secreting his Effects and that on the said Second Day of April last between
the Hours of Nine and Ten of the Clock in the Evening of that Day two [..]
Women and a Young Man came to the House where this Deponent
Lodges and where the said Barbara Wilson then Lodged as aforesaid and
Enquired of this Deponent whether the said Barbara Wilson Lodged there [..]
and if She did whether She was then at Home upon which this Deponent [..]
replied that She the said Barbara Wilson Lodged there but that She was
not at Home at that time whereupon One of the said Young Women
ask'd this Deponent if She could inform her where the said Barbara Wilson
then was and this Deponent replied that She could not for a certainly
say where She was but if She wanted the said Barbara Wilson upon any [..]
particular Business this Deponent would send to look for the said Barbara [..]
Wilson whereupon the same Young Woman and the Young Man (who [..]
Deponent is informed and believes is Apprentice to Mr. Lawrence, Taylor [..]
[..] Duke Street Lincolns Tim Fields) then said that they would be Obliged to [..]
this Deponent if She would send after the said Barbara Wilson and endeavo [..]
to find her out as they had something to inform her of that would be to her
Advantage and said they would wait a white in the Entry of the same
House to see if this Deponent could find out the said Barbara Wilson on
words to that Effect whereupon this Deponent replied that She this
Deponent would Use her utmost Endeavours to find her the said
Barbara Wilson and accordingly She this Deponent sent a person to
the House of One Mr. Curtis a publican in Newtoners Lane aforesaid
which is next Door to this Deponents Lodgings to know if She the said
Barbara Wilson< no role > was then at his House and if She was to desire her
the said Barbara Wilson to come to this Deponents Lodgings immediately
as there were some persons that wanted her and the said Barbara
Wilson being then at the said Mr. Curtis's House immediately came [..]

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