Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120195

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City and Liberty
of Westminster }
To Wit

The Information of Mary Waters< no role > late of Brown's Court Green Street
Grosvenor Square in the Liberty of Westminster , Daughter of Mary
< no role > of the same place Washerwoman, Taken before me
John Spinnage< no role > Esquire One of his Majestys Justice of the Peace
for the said Counties City and Liberty

Who being upon her Oath Saith That about Twelve Months Ago' she
was unfortunatly Seduced from her Mothers aforesaid by one George
< no role > a Soldier in the 3d Regiment of Foot Guards, [..] the that
some time after the said George Gantfield< no role > fell Sick and was Carried
to an hospital during which time on John Cadd< no role > (with whome she
has been lately acquainted) came to her to inform her of the
said George Gantfields health and by that means became very
internally acquainted with herSaith that before the said George
Gantfield fell Sick she had return'd home to her Mother's house
at which house the said John Cadd< no role > frequently came to acquaint her
of the said George Gantfields health as aforesaid, Saith That
on one of the said times she saw the said John Cadd< no role > stole out of her Mother's
house one Linnen Shirt (Intrusted to her Mothers Care to Wash)
being the property of the Right Honourable the Earl of Thomond
which Shirt he the said John Cadd< no role > afterwards shew'd to this Informant
Saith That at another time [..] she Saw the said John Cadd< no role > steel
out of her Mothers house aforesaid One other Linnen Shirt the
property of Thomas Graves< no role > intrusted to her Mothers Care for the
purpose aforesaidSaith That at [..] another times she saw
the said John Cadd< no role > steal cut of her Mothers house (being intrusted
to her Care for the purpose aforesaid) one pair of Silk Stockings
the property of the Earl of Thomond aforesaid [..]
[..] Satih That the said John Cadd< no role > hath since the time he stole
the said things toldinformedthis Informant that hestolesold the
said Silk Stockings for Two Shillings and the Two Shirts he pawned
in Dyot Street for three Shillings Each as she believes, where
they now are

Sworn this 13th day of
May 1768 Before me}

The Mark of
Mary [mark] Waters< no role >

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