Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450120194

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Richard Brown< no role >
Comitted last Session for felony perpetrated in the
County of Surry Is Ordered to be sent to the Comon
Gaol of the said County of Surry

Samuel Wilson< no role >
Comitted last Session on a Violent Suspicion of
having feloniously Concealed part of his Effects
with intent to defraud his Creditors and upon reading
the Affidavit of Thomas Dibbs< no role > and others was
Ordered to remain until this present Session But
in the Motion of Mr. Cox of Counsel for the Prisoner
And by Consent of Mr. Bearcroft< no role > of Counsel for
the Prosecutor It is Ordered that the said
Samuel Wilson< no role > do find good Bail before the Right
Honble Thomas Harley< no role > Esqr. Mayor of the City
of London for his personall Appearance at the
next Session of Oyer and Terminer and [..]
Gaol Delivery to be held in and for the City of [..]
then and there to Answer to our said Lord the [..]
King for the Offence aforesaid And it is further
Ordered that two day Notice of such Bail be given to the
prosecutors Attorney in the meantime

Samuel Tudor< no role >
John Tinsey< no role >
Thomas James< no role >
Philip Clarke< no role >
Thomas Windsor< no role >
Ann Harvey< no role > Turner
Henry Domine< no role >
William Cayley< no role >
William Hamilton< no role > als Scholar
John Alder< no role > }
Attainted of sevl. FeloniesRobberBurglaries
and Robberies and reced Judgment of Death
But being respited are Ordered to remain until
they shall be discharged by due Course of Law

Samuel Davis< no role >
formerly Committed by the Court of King's Bench
on an Outlawry of High Treason is Ordered to
remain until be shall be discharged by due
Course of Law

By the Court

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