Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120174

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Middlesex ss.

To the Right Honourable Thomas Harley< no role >
Lord Mayor of the City of London the Recorder
and the rest of the Justices of Gaol delivery of Newgate [..] holden
at Justice Hall in the old Bailey for the County of
Middlesex .

The humble Petition of Samuel Willson< no role > a Bankrupt
now a Prisoner in his Majestys prison of Newgate


That your Petitioner was before the last Sessions committed to
Prison by Sir John Fielding< no role > charging with concealing his Effects to
the Amount of Twenty pounds with an Intent to defraud his

That your Petitioner is totally innocent of the Crime of which
he is charged.

That your Petitioners Prosecutors did not prefer any Bill of
Indictment at the last Sessions against your Petitioner, but found
means to induce this Court to continue your Petitioner in Prison.

That your Petr. hath been afflicted with a severe fit of
Sickness in Newgate and is now in a very weak Condition
and a continuance of his Imprisonment will in all probability
shortly put an end to his Life.

Your Petitioner therefore most humbly
prays that he may either be Tryed,
Discharged out of Custody or admitted to Bail
the present Sessions pursuant to the Statute in such
Case made and provided

And Your Petr. shall ever pray Etc.

Saml. Willson< no role >

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