Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120175

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The King
Samuel Wilson< no role > }
On a prosecution for concealing
his Effects under a Commission of
Bankrupt with an intent to
defraud his Creditors

Mary Wilson< no role > of Clare Street in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the
County of Middlesex Spinster only Sister of the said defendant Samuel
< no role > and Niman Pinckney< no role > of the same parish Gentleman severally
make Oath and say and first the said Mary Wilson< no role > for herself Saith
That She the said Mary Wilson< no role > never was at the Lodging of Barbara
< no role > in Newtoners Lane mentioned in the Affidavit of Mary Dowland< no role >
and other nor did this Deponent at any time whatever persuade intice
or in any manner induce the said Barbara Wilson to abscond from or
keep out of the way of the prosecutors in this Cause nor did she this Deponent
in any manner since the Commencement of this prosecution Succor
support or in any manner assist the said Barbara Wilson< no role > with Money
Cloaths or any other thing whatsoever nor did this Deponent cause or
procure any person or persons whatsoever to spirit intice or in any
manner induce the said Barbara Wilson to abscond at mentioned in the
Affidavit of the said Mary Dowland< no role > and others or to give her any Assistance
or support on any such Account nor was the said Barbara Wilson at any
have induced to abscond by or through the means or procurement of the
said Samuel Wilson< no role > or any of his Relations or Agents to the knowledge or
belief of this Deponent And this Deponent verily believes Weal if the
said Barbara Wilson< no role > hath really absconded the same was occasioned by a
remorse of Conscience in having falsly accused the said Samuel Wilson< no role >
and this Deponent further Saith that soon after the last Sessions the
Assignees under the Commission of Bankrupt awarded against the said
Samuel Wilson< no role > or one of them as this Deponent hath beensheinformed and
believes caused David Wilson< no role > the order Brother of this Deponent to be
Arrested in upwards & Two hundred pounds tho' this Deponent hath
been informed that no such sum of Money and justly due from him to
them and by that means the said David Wilson< no role > was kept in Custody
about Ten Days part of the time in Newgate which so injured and hurt
the said David Wilson< no role > in his Credit and Reputation and his other Creditor
pressing for the payment of their Demands that he the said David Wilson< no role >
was reduced to go into the Country without informing this Deponent to what
part he was gone And the said David Wilson< no role > hath not yet returned
And this Deponent Ninian Pinckney< no role > for himself saith that the said Samuel
< no role > did always when this Deponent saw him since the Commencement

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