Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450120170

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City and Liberty
of Westminster }
To wit

The Information of Jane Wellard< no role > late of Bond Street in the Parish of Saint George Hanover
Square in the Liberty of Westminster Spinster , Taken before
me John Spinnage< no role > Esquire One of his Majestys Justices of
the Peace for the said Counties City and Liberty

Who being upon her Oath Saith That There were privately
stolen out of her Apartments in Bond Street aforesaid [..]
[..] the following things, To WitOne Silver
Coffee Pot , One large Silver Soup Spoon, One Silver Marrow
Spoons, One Silver Salt holder Six Silver Table Spoons
One very fine Draper Table Cloth, One Pair of leather Cloggs
One Linnen Napkin, One Linnen Shirtandone Pair of
Coarse Linnen Sheets' and One Velvet CloakAll
being her propertyAnd that she hath the greatest
reason to Suspect and doth Suspect that a Person now
present who Calls' herself Ann Heckey and who at the
time the aforemention'd things were Stolen from her lived
as Servant to this Informant was the Person that stole
the said things

Jane Wellard< no role >

Sworn this 14th. day of
May 1768 Before me}

Jno Spinnage< no role >

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