Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120171

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The King at the prosecution of Thomas Dibbs< no role >
Samuel Wilson< no role >

Middlesex , to wit,

Thomas Dibbs< no role > of Mitre Court Cheapside London
Ribbon Weaver and Joshua Warne< no role > of Newgate Street London
Merchant two of the Assignea of the Estate and Effects of
the said Samuel Wilson< no role > , Thomas Hicklin of Bread Street
London Silk Merchant William Thompson< no role > of Basing hall
Street London, Hosier and Benjamin Brockhurst< no role > This name instance is in set 2995. of Wood
Street London Merchant each of them speaking for himself
severally make Oath as follows And first these Deponents
Dibbs, Hicklin, Thompson and Brockhurst for themselves
severally say That these Deponents did together with One
Sarah Barnes< no role > , and our Richard Curtis< no role > [..] an Affidavit
in this Court at the last Session held at the Old Bailey London
setting forth their reasons for believing that Barbara
Wilson a Material Witness Bound over to give Evidence
againstagainstthe said Samuel Wilson< no role > at the prosecution of
the Deponent Thomas Dibbs< no role > had been spirited away and was
then kept concealed by the Agent of the said Samuel Wilson< no role >
And these Deponents Dibbs, Warne, Hicklin, Thompson and
Brockhurst severally say that since the said last Sessions
they these Deponents have by themselves or their Agents used
this best endeavours to find out the said Barbara Wilson or
to learn where she is and have for that purpose caused an
Advertisement to be inserted repeatedly in the Daily papers
a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed since which they have
Discovered some Evidence touching the manner of the said Barbara
Wilsons going away which is contained in the Affidavit of Mary
< no role > intended to be produced herewith And have also enquired
or caused enquirys to be made in every part of the City of
London and the Neighborhood thereof where these Deponents

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