Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120181

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Middx 2d. Paper

Clarissa Airey< no role >
Jane Shower< no role >

[mark] 11 Mary Ellet< no role > als Elliot
For Steal on 17th. April last at St. Mary
Matfellon als White Chapel one Gold &
Silver purse Val 5s. Eight Gas. & 40s. in Monies
numbred of George Airey< no role > in the Dwelling house
of Jane Shower< no role > Spinster

David Surell< no role >
Jno. Noakes
Jno. Heley
Catherine Lane< no role >
Jno. Lister< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
Hannah Haley
Ann Haley< no role >
Bridget Haley< no role >

[mark] 12. Thos. Stapleton< no role >
Susanna Stapleton< no role >
John Curtis< no role > }
For Steal on 4th. May Instant at St. Pancras
one Clock Val 40s. one Dimothy Coat< no role > and
Breeches Val 2s. one Cloth Coat Val 2s. one
Pr. of Horse Pistols Val 40s. one leather Bagg
& Powder Horn Val 5s. four Pr. of Linnen
Sheets Val 40s. one Cotton Counterpane
Val 10s: one Cotton Night Gown Val 2s. one
Cotton Bed Gown Val 2s. one Linnen Toylett
Cloth Val 2s. three Linnen Napkins Val 5s
one Dimothy Petticoat Val 2s. one Dimothy
Waistcoat Val 12d. one Silk Bonnett Val 5s.
one Chequed Linnen Apron Val 12d. one
Dimothy Pocket Val 12d. one Linnen Table
Cloth Val 2s. one Silk Handkerchief Val 6d
one Linnen Handkerchief Val 6d. one
Linnen Bagg Val 2s. & one Pr. of Scissars
Val 6d. of David Surell< no role > in his dwelling house

Richd. West
Edwd. Slater< no role >
William Marsh< no role >
Mathias Graham< no role >
Elizth. Harrop< no role >
Thos. Wilson

[mark] 13. James Bohannan< no role >
William Johnson< no role > }
For Burgl breaking & Eubring the Dwelling
House of one John Jackson< no role > abt. the hour
of 3 in the right of 11th. March last at St.
Ann Westmr. and Steal £90. Wt. of Starch Val 30s
of John Jackson< no role > [..] and Richd.
West in the Dwelling house of sd. Jno. Jackson

Wm. Griffin< no role >
Wm. Marsh
Mathias Graham
Elizth. Harrop
Thos. Wilson

[mark] 14. James Bohannan< no role >
William Johnson< no role > }
For Burgl breaking & Entring the Dwelling house
of one William Griffin< no role > abt. the hour of three
in the Night of 11th. March last at St. James
Westmr. & Steal 3 Cornelian Stone Seals
set in Metal Val 4s. our Cornelian Stone
Seal set in Silver Val 2s. one Pr. of Chrystal
Sleeve Buttons set in Silver Val 2s. two Pr.
of moco Sleeve Buttons set in Silver Val 4s.
3 Pr. of Ear Ring Callenders Val 1s. one Pr. of
Iron Shoe Buckles Val 6d. three Iron Seals
Val 6d. four Glass Smelling Bottles Val 2s.
three Pr. of Silver Spreaders Val. 1s. And one
Yellow Metal Ring set with a Cornelian
Stone Val 1s. of Wm. Griffin< no role > in his Dwelling

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