Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120200

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Middlesex to wit{

The Information of Lawrence Abell< no role > one of the Watchmen
belonging to the Parish of St Mary le bone in the said County
taken upon Oath before me one of his Majesty's Justices of
the peace in & for the said County this 21st. May 1768

This Informant being upon his Oath saith that last Night or Early this Morning
being Saturday the 21st May he Met a Man in Oxford Road at the End of Bolsover
Street Who had a pair of Harness upon his back He accordingly stopt him with
the Harness on his back, and on Lawrence Abells asking him where he was going wth
the Harness The Man answer'd into Bishopgate Street , Upon which the Watchman
said he woud not Let him go Until he had given an Accot. of himself to the Constable
of the night & so he took him to the Watch house telling him that if he had Come
honestly by the harness he shou'd be set at Liberty, & told him it was his Duty to Stop
Suspicious persons at Unseasonable Hours in the Night That in the way to the
Watch house the Man who had the Harness on his back, threw them off & attempted
to ran away offering him Beer, & other gratuity's to bribe him to let him Escape which
Lawrence Abell< no role > refused, but brought him into the Watchhouse, And the said Lawrence
< no role > saw possitively declareth upon his Oath & Saith That he stopt the said Man
upon a Suspicion he had Stole the said Harness and Still declareth and Saith
that he Suspects the said Man did actually Steal the said Harness.

Sworn before me the 21st Day of
May 1768John Lane< no role > }

Law Abell< no role >

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