Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120220

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At the Old Bailey

The King at the Prosecution of
Joshua Warne< no role >
Samuel Wilson< no role >

London. to wit.

Thomas Dibbs< no role > of Mitre Court Cheapside
London Ribbon Weaver and Joshua Warne< no role > of Newgate
Street London Merchant Assignees of the Estate and
Effects of the said Samuel Wilson< no role > a Bankrupt
Thomas Hicklin of Bread Street London Silkman
William Thompson< no role > of Basinghall Street London.
Hosier and Benjamin Brockhurst< no role > This name instance is in set 2995. of Wood Street
London Merchant each of them speaking for
himself severally make Oath as follows. And first these
Deponents Dibbs, Hicklin. Thompson and Brockhurst
for themselves severally say That these Deponents did,
together with One Sarah Barnes< no role > and One Richard
< no role > Swear an Affidavit in this Court at the Sessions
held at the Old Bailey in the Month of April last
setting forth their Reasons for believing that Barbara
Wilson a material Witness bound over to give Evidence
against the said Samuel Wilson< no role > at the prosecution
of this Deponent Thomas Dibbs< no role > had been spirited
away and was then kept concealed by the Agente of
the said Samuel Wilson< no role > to which Affidavit these
Deponents respectively refer themselves And these
Deponents Dibbs. Warne. Hicklin. Thompson and
Brockhurst severally say that at the last Sessions
held at the Old Bailey . these Deponents made an
Affidavit in this Court wherein they respectively Sworn
that they had Used their utmost endeavours by
themselves or their Agents to find out the said Barbara
Wilson and that they had discovered some Evidence
touching the manner of the said Barbara Wilson's
going away which was contained in the affidavit of
Mary Dowling< no role > and Mark Cock Swore by them in
this Court at the said last Sessions, to which affidavit
of the said Mary Dowling< no role > and Mark Cork< no role > as also
to the last mentioned Affidavit of theseDeponents
they these Deponents likewise respectively refer
themselves And these Deponents severally say
that since the said last Sessions these Deponents
have by themselves and their Agents Used their
endeavours to find out the said Barbara Wilson
or to learn where She is, but they these Deponents
nor any of them have not nor hath been able

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