Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120219

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Middlesex To wit

The Information of Ann Brown< no role >
taken before me this 6th. day of
July 1768

Who being upon Oath says that yesterday Morning she saw
a Person now present who calls herself Susannah Heselly< no role >
come down Stairs at Mrs. Miles's house with two a Guineas and
half in her hand, that she afterwards heard a Man who
had gone to Bed over night with the said Susannah complaint
of being robbed and that from what she has heard the said
Susannah declare she verily believes the said two Guineas
and half in great of the Money that the said Susannah
stole from the said Man

Sworn before me
July 6 1768}

W Kelynge

Ann Brwo [..]

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