Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120201

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Middlesex to wit

The Information of John Brand< no role > a Hackney Coachman No. 714
Servant in that Capacity to Mr Richard Atkinson< no role > Coach master
taken upon Oath this 21st Day of May 1768 before me one of his
Majesty's Justices of the peace in and for the said County.

This Informant being upon his Oath as aforesaid Saith That last Night being Friday
night about ½ past 11 he Came home with the Coach he had been driving, and unharnessed
his Horses, & hung up the Harness on a hook a little way within the Stable Door, and
when he had so done he locked the Stable Door & went home to his Lodgings.- On the
Morrow Morning being Saturday this Day the 21st May about 7 o'Clock he went again
into the Stable to feed & dress his Masters Horses, and after having cleaned & Washed
the Coach he was Employed to drive. He then went to look for his Harness in order
to Clean them likewise, and on his Searching the Hook on Which he had hang them
the Night before in the Stabb he did not find them, As they had been taken away, Then he
enquired of all his fellow Servants (Job Men< no role > ) in the yard, to be informed whether
they knew what was become of his Harness, They All replied to the Effect that they
had none of them seen any thing of the said Harness. and on his further enquiry after
his Harness he was told by one George Attwood< no role > who is a Coachman to the said Mr
Atkinson that the saw the Watchman stop a Man last Night or Early this Morning
with a pair of Harness on his back, Upon which the said John Brand< no role > acquainted
his Mistress Mrs. Atkinson with it, who ordered him to go to the Watchhouse to fee
if the harness were there and the Man in Custody, which he accordingly did, And
he saw the harness he had left in the said Watchhouse and also the Man who
was apprehended by the Watchman with the said Harness upon his Back, and
the said Harness being now produced before me, The said John Brand< no role > positively and
upon his Oath declares it to be the very identical Harness which he had so less
& which belongs to his said Master Mr Atkinson and which was feloniously stole
out of the said Stable.

Sworn before me the 21st day of
May 1768.John Lane< no role > }

John Brand< no role >

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