Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120206

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Middlesex To wit

The Information of James Brown< no role >
taken before me this 3d. day of June

Who being upon Oath says that he knows one Thomas
Thunk a Shoemaker who lives in Lymehouse near the
Sign of the experienced Gunner by Lymehouse Bridge
says that on the Tenth of May Instant being about his
business that of Selling Potatoes with a Cart and one
Horse with Alexander Forbes< no role > his Servant their Cart
was stopt by an obstruction of a Number of Carriages
near Lymehouse Bridge and near to the then Saw [..]
of Charles Dingley< no role > Esquire, says that at this Time
a Number of Persons were tumultuously assembled
about the said Mill says that whilst he their Informant
went into the Crown Alehouse near the said Bridge
his aforesaid Servant Deserted him that finding him
gone he Immagined he was gone [..] amongst the Mob
then assembled and accordingly went into Mr Dingley's
Mill Yard or Timber Yard near the aforesaid
Mill to look for his said Servant and there saw
the sides of Mr. Dingley's Compting-house pulled out
and that a Rope was fixed to the Chimney says the
aforesaid Thunk was pulling at the said Rope and
who appeared to this Informant to [..] be a Principal and
King leader in the Mischief for that he asked this
Informant to pull at the said Rope says saw the Chimney
come down and the Rope fixed to the Platform and saw
said Thunk assist to pull that down also and that he a
second time asked Informt. to assist and at the same
time said that they shou'd go the next day with the
Journeymen Shoemakers and pull call the City
Shoe Warehouses down

Sworn before me this
3d. day of June 1768}


James Brown< no role >

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