Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120177

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The King
Samuel Wilson< no role > }
On a prosecution for concealing his
Effects under a Commission of Bankrupt
with an intent for defraud his Creditors

Samuel Wilson< no role > the above named Defendant maketh Oath and saith
That he this Deponent hath not directly or indirectly either by himself
[..] or any other person or persons whatever with his
privity knowledge direction or consent made use of any means or
Ashfieds whatsoever to spirit induce away or in any manner in due
Barbara Wilson named in the Affidavit of Mary Dowland< no role > and others
to abscond or keep out of the way to present her from giving Evidence
against this Deponent in this Cause for on the contrary this Deponent
saith that he hath always earnestly wished and desired ever sine his
first Commitment to be fairly tryed and heard on the Merits of his
Case being perfectly Conscious of his Innocence touching the matters
pretended to be laid to his Charge in this prosecution And this Deponent
further Saith that the said Barbara Wilson< no role > atho' she is the Widow
of William Wilson< no role > deceased late a Brother of this Deponent is and hath
been for several years past a person of loose Morals and ill fame and
this Deponent hath been informed and believes the same to be true
that the said Barbara Wilson< no role > hath been seduced by some certain
evil minded person to swear against this Deponent merely one of
Malice and through [..] promises of reward

Sworn at the Sessions house
in the Old Bailey this 20th day
of May 1768}

Saml. Wilson< no role >

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