Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120157

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knows Barbara Wilson That about Nine o'Clock on Sunday Morn [..]
Instant when he came down Stairs he saw the said Barbara Wilson in [..]
with a Young Woman who this Deponent doth not know That in about a [..]
of an hour after a Young Man came to them whom this Deponent doth not know
and who staid about three Quarters of an hour and then went away And this Deponent
Curtis Saith that being backwards and forwards in the Room where they were he
heard a good deal if discourse
from which he discovered that the said Young woman and Young Man came
to the said Barbara Wilson on behalf of the said Samuel Wilson< no role > And this Deponent Saith that about Two o'Clock the said Barbara Wilson went out a she believes to her Lodgings And this
Deponent Curtis Saith that the said Barbara Wilson returned in [..] an hour and
half when the said Young Woman and Barbara Wilson went away together and
this Deponent hath not seen or heard of the said Barbara (Wilson since And these
Deponents Dibbs Hicklin Thompson and Brockhurst for themselves severally Say
That the said Barbara Wilson is a material Witness for the Prosecution and they
verily believe the said Barbara Wilson hath been spirited and kept out of the way
by the Agents of the said Samuel Wilson< no role > so that these Deponents nor any one of
them can at present find out where she is to be heard of and is now in their
Custody or Power And that by absenting herself as aforesaid these Deponents are
prevented from being ready to Prosecute the said Samuel Wilson< no role > but have great
hopes and verily believe that if the said Samuel Wilson< no role > is detained they shall before
the Next Sessions be able to find [..]
out other Evidence which may fully Prove the truth of their Charge against
the said Samuel Wilson< no role >

Sworn at Justice Hall in the
Old Baily this 13th. April 1768

By the Court

Thos. Dibbs< no role >
Thos. Hicklin
W Thompson
Benj Brockhurst< no role >
Sarah Barnes< no role >
Richd Curtis< no role >

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