Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450120163

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Middlesex To wit

The Information of John Cox< no role > taken before
me this 25: day of April 1768

Who being upon Oath says that last Saturday Nightlastabout
½ an hour past 11 o'Clock he was at the White Hart in Vine Court
Spitalfields where he saw a Person now present who calls himself
Peter Perryn, that the said Peter; one Thomas Bowles< no role > , and this
Informant had some Conversation about the Journeyman Weavers
working under Price, that from what the said Peter Perryn< no role > This name instance is in set 29073696. said
he this Informant concluded that the Sd. Peter one Andrew Brogan and
and others had been in the Nights out either cutting Weavers Works
or thieving as the said Peter said he had like to have shot Andrew
Brogan one Night having fired a Pistol off close by him, that
the said Peter said they should come that Night to William Bayley< no role > 's
where he this Informant lodged at Thieves and desired that he this
Informant would leave the door open for them which he promised
to do that the said Peter told him that Andrew Brogan was then
gone to fetch an Iron Crow to break into the house that the said
Thomas Bowles< no role > was present during all this Conversation,
that he this Informant then went home and left the door open
all the Family being gone to Bed except one of William Bayley< no role > Dillow's Sons
Lonsand saidoneMr. Dillow who lodges in the house whom he this
Informant told he had street the door after him, that he went
directly to bed, that between 2 & 3 o'Clock he was waked and told
that Mr. Bailey had been robbed by Several Men who had broke
into his Apartment and had taken Money Ribbons last and
Bank Notes out of different Drawers, and this Informant
further says that he does suspect and verily believe that
the said [..] Peter Perryn< no role > This name instance is in set 2907. and Thomas Bowles< no role > and Andrew Brogan< no role >
were three of the People concerned in the said Robbery, and that
the said Peter Perryn< no role > This name instance is in set 2907. had promised to give him part of the Money
which this Informant, told him was in the new Chest of Drawer's
in the said William Bayley< no role > 's Bed Chamber

Sworn before me
[..] April 25. 1768}


John Cox< no role >

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