Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450120183

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Middx 3d. Paper

Jno. Smith
Mathew Concanen
Nathl. Lunn
Phebe Green
Elizth. Price
George Swetman< no role >
Henry Lewer< no role >
Joseph Acres< no role >

[mark] 19{ Mary Ux Jno. Hyndes< no role >
For the Wilfull Murder of Joseph
< no role > and Infant abt. the Age of 17 Months
on 17th. April last at St. George Hanover
Square And in and upon the sd. Joseph did
make an Assault And that she with
both her hands the said Joseph into
a certain River of Water fel did cast and
throw by means of which Casting and
throwing him into the sd. River of Water
as afd. the sd. Joseph in the sd. River of
Water was then & there Choaked Suffocated
& Drowned of which sd. Choaking Suffocating
& Drowning & the sd. Joseph then & there
Instantly died

The Same
For the like Murder on the Coroners

Timothy Lewis< no role >
Ann Stephens< no role >
Jno. Thomas

[mark] 20. Ann Burn< no role >
For a Robbery in the Highway on one
Ann Stephens< no role > Spr on 19th. April last at
St. James Westmr. & Steal two Linnen
Shirts Val 8s: two Pr. of Worsted Stockings
Val 2s. two Linnen Stocks Val 2s. one
Linnen Cap Val 6d. & one Linnen
Handkerchief Val 1s of Timothy Lewis< no role >
from the Pson of sd. Ann Stephens< no role >

Jane White< no role >
Mary Savage< no role >
Mary Waters< no role >
Jos: Benbrick< no role >

[mark] 21 John Cadd< no role >
For Steal on 23d. Febry last at St.
George Hanover Square two Linnen
Shirts Val 10s. & one Pr. of Silk Stockings
Val 10s. of Mary Savage< no role > Widow

Jno. Bryant< no role >
Jos: Lossom< no role >
James Platt< no role >

[mark] 22. James Pangriffiths
Elizth. Pangriffiths}
For Steal on 17th. May Instant at the Pish
of Edmonton one Weather Sheep price
20s. of John Bryant< no role >

Henry Fry< no role >
Edwd. Rogers< no role >

23. John Hales< no role >
For a Robbery in [..] a Field near the Highway
on one Henry Fryon 20th. April last at
Saint Pancras & Steal 14s. in Monies
numbred of Said Henry Fry< no role > from his

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