Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450120204

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say sevl. times he wod. Murder her And that the
deced her of times come into her Room [..] She
say'd to save her life And this Ins saith that
after the sd. Mary was the own down stairs
the died in less than a Quarter of an hour
and as the bels. the death of the sd. Mary was
by the means of the sd. John throwing his down
stairs And this Inst. [..] Margt Burton< no role > for himself
saith that being in her our [..] Room up one pair of Stairs
where the lodges in the house afsd. she heard the
said John White< no role > cry out Oh I have Murdered
my wife upon which this Ins went out of her
room & saw the Deced lay at the bottom
of the Stairs & the went & fetched some water
to wash her Temples And the sd John & his
Dane helped her into the Yard for An but the
deced never spoke And the sd John cam'd the
said Mary up stairs & laid An upon this
Inft. bed And the deced lived about a quarter
of an hour And this Inft Saith there the sd.
John & Mary lived a very unhappy life
which the bels. was owing to the sd. Mary being
often disguised in liquor And the said
Henry Burton< no role > for himself saith That
he came home in the Eveng of Whitmonday

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