Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450240115

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Middlesex to Wit

The information of Thomas Francis Pritchard< no role > Esqr . Ann
< no role > , William Bayley< no role > , John Haines< no role > Alexander Dixon< no role >
Thomas Snook< no role > , Philip Lemoin< no role > and Thomas Nash< no role >
taken before me this 26th. day of April 1781

Who being upon Oath say, and first said Thomas Francis
< no role > says that a person now present who calls himself Thomas Gearing< no role >
hath lived with him as a Servant for about six Months past, during
which time a pair of silver Candlesticks, four Tablespoons, three Shirts, several
Table Cloths, two pair of Breeches, a Waistcoat, a Quilt a Neckcloth [..]
[..] 2 Boys Shirts, 3 Mens Shirts, five Handkerchiefs, five pair of stockings
two Table Cloths a Shirt and three Handkerchiefs now produced together with several other things were stolen from him The
said Ann Brown< no role > for herself says that she is Servant to the said Thomas Francis
< no role > Esqr and is very sure that two Table Cloths now produced are
her said Master property, and were stolen out of his house; and that
she doth verily believe a Bolster now produced, is his property and was stolen
out of his house.The said William Bayley< no role > says that he bought one of
said Table Cloth now produced of the said Thomas Gearing< no role > and paid him eighteen
shillings for it.The said John Haines< no role > says that he bought the said two
pair of Breeches and Waistcoat of said Gearing and paid him seven Shillings
and six pence for them about a Month ago. The said Alexander Dixon< no role >
says, that the said Gearing pawned with him at nine different times since the
Month of November last, the said four Silver Table Spoons, three Shirts, a Table
Cloth a Handkerchief a Quilt and a Neckcloth for the sum of two pounds
nineteenth shillings and three pence [..] the said Thomas Snook< no role > says
that about five Months ago the said Thomas Gearing< no role > came to this Informants
house in Company with another person also now present who calls himself
John Collins< no role > . That they both declared they were Brokers, and lived in
Berwick Street , and sold to this Informant the said Bolster for the sum
of six shillings and six pence or there about. The said Philip Lemoin< no role > says
and Thomas Nash< no role > severally say, that they took in pledge from the said
Thomas Gearing< no role > at different times, the said two Boys Shirts. 3 Mens Shirts
five Handkerchiefs, five pair of stockings, two Table Cloths and pair of Silver
Candlesticks.And the said Philip Lemon< no role > for himself further says that
he also took in Pledge from the said Thomas Collins< no role > the said Shirt and

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