Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450340135

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a Bundle containing a Mantha a Robe
a Shirt a Waistcoat two or three Caps
and three forehead Cloths and a Band
all which are Apparell fit for an Infant
and upon telling the said Ann Brean< no role > This name instance is in set 726. This set is in the group(s): MothersOBP .
what she had found she Acknowledged
they belonged to her and said they had
been given to her by her Mother twelve
Months since that she knew there
was a Robe and Nantle but what
other Particulars she knew not as she
had never Opened them And Deponent
upon her Oath further saithThat
That on Wednesday last she this Deponent
had a Conversation with the said Ann
Breans, when she the said Ann Brean< no role >
Acknowledged to this Deponent that
she had been [..] on the Necessary
about four oClock the preceeding Shorning
That she never saw [..] any
thing that came from her but that
she had a violent forceing and something
fell into the Necessary That much
Blood came from her on the Floor of the

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