Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450340146

Image 146 of 495

18 April 88


The Information of Ann Saunders< no role > Widow at the house of Mrs.
Francis Ellis< no role > the Wife of John Ellis< no role > of New Gravel Lane Shadwell
Mariner taken this 18th day of April 1788 Who being on her Oath saith
Last night about the hour of [..] Eleven she went to Sleep in a Room of a house
in Murphys Alley Cable Street St. George Middlesex kept by Martin Murphy< no role >
That at the Time she went to bed as aforesaid The Window and door were fast
and about the hour of Two in the Morning she heard the Window break and some
person come into the said Room who took away The Black Stuff Gown
Three Pettycoats which she this Informant has now on and a pair of Stuff
Shoes and black Buckles and a White Linnen apron all most new all of which
said Articles was her own wearing Apparell and of the Value of Five
ShillingsSays Ann Finley< no role > brought her the said Pettycoats and Gown
this Morning That her Shoes Buckles and Apron She has not recovered

Ann [mark] Saunders< no role >

Ann Finley< no role > on her oath saith this morning she hearing that Ann Saunders< no role >
had been robbed of all her Wearing Apparel and suspecting Catherine Poole< no role > to
be the thief she went in search of her and found her in a Public house known
by the sign of the Shovel [..] public housein Eastsmith field having the Black Stuff
gown and Three Pettycoats which Ann Saunders< no role > has now on alongside of her
that she seized the said Gown and Pettycoats and took them away the said
Catherine endeavouring by laing hold of her to prevent her taking them away
says she brought them to Ann Saunders< no role > who said they were her

Taken and Sworn
The Day and year abovementioned
Before me
John Staples< no role >

Ann [mark] Finley< no role >

Catherine Poole< no role > says this morning when she awaked about the
hour of Seven [..] found the said Gown and Pettycoats in her Room
where she lodges at the said Mrs. Murphys< no role >

Taken and Signed
The Day and Year abovementioned
Before me
John Staples< no role >

Catherine [mark] Poole< no role >

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