Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450340156

Image 156 of 495

To Wit}

The Information of John Robertson< no role > , Gardner Edw: Wilford< no role > Esq
of Chelsea , who on his Oath saith that on Friday Evening last the 11th:
Instant he saw a Boat Called a Werry laying at the bottom of his
Masters Garden near Ranclagh in a small Creek some distance
from the Thamas, and as his Master had frequently been Robbed of
Lead and other things, he suspected the Boat was not put there for
any good purpose, therefore he was determined to Watch, that about
Six o'Clock on Saturday Morning last he went to the sign of the King
of Bohemia Publick House near his Masters, and told the Landlord
there was a fine Boat in the Creeke at the bottom of his Masters
Garden, and would be glad to know who she belonged to the
Landlord said there was a Boat Advertised (stolen) from the Custom house
and he shewed the witness the advertisement, who took the Paper
to examine (and see) if she answered the discription, and found it
agree exactly, except the Colour. as she had been fresh Painted
of a had colourthe witness scraped a little of with his knife, and
discovered the green colour, therefore he was certain it was the
same Boat advertised from the Custom house , that about a quarter
past Six in the Morning as the Witness (and his fellow Servant
the Coachman) was walking down the Garden he saw the Man (now
present who calls himself John Towle< no role > Boone) walking on an
Island opposite the Garden, being no Road or thorough: fare
and go into the said Boat and until her and was going off with
her but the said Robertson called out and told him he should not
take the Boat away without proving himself to be the ownerthe
Prisoner then said she was his property but made her fast again
and was going awaythe Witness suspecting the Boat to have
been Stolen called out Stop High the Prisoner then Run away
and Swam a cross a deep Creek which supplys the fier Engine
with waterand he saw him get on shore on the other side.

Sworn before me one of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middlesex this 14th: day of April 1788}

Edw: Read< no role >

John Robertson< no role >

To Wit}

The information of William Bagnal< no role > Coachman to Edw. Wilford< no role > Esq
of Chelsea who [..] is Oath saith. that about a quarter past six
o'Clock in the Morning on Saturday last the 12th: Instant he was
walking down his Masters Garden, with John Robertson< no role > the Gardner
he saw a Man walking on the Island opposite the Garden and there
being no Road or thoroughfare, he observed the Man go into the Boat
in the Creek and until her in order to take her awayand the
Gardner called out and told him he should not take the Boat
away without proving himself to be the owner, the Man said
she was his Propertybut made her fast again And was going

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