City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

28th January 1696 - 15th October 1696

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150070108

Image 108 of 23126th April 1696

London ss.

William Griffin< no role > this Informant being duely Examined
before me Saith on Oath That about a Month
agoe Benjamine Arnold< no role > with one Richard Somers< no role >
now a Prisoner in Newgate and one Robert Adams< no role >
not yet takeing did between [..] Tenn and Eleaven
Clock at Nightdidgoe to the Warehouse of Thomas
< no role > the Signe of the Redlyon in Aldersgate [..]
with a designe to break open the said Warehouse
and according (this Informant further saith) they the
said Benjamine Arnold< no role > Richard Somers< no role > and [..]
Robert Adams< no role > did break open the said Warehouse
about the aforesaid Fine at Hight And did from theme feloniously
take and carry away a Bagg or Pack wherein
was Holland, Cambrick and Muslin of the Value
of about £100. And further this Informant Saith
That the same Night they Broke upon the aforesd.
Warehouse and tooke the said Goods they imediately
went to the house of Mrs. Stephens lodging in
Vere Street near Claremarkett and told the said
Goods to the said Mrs. Stephens for Twenty five pounds
[..] and received the money the next morning all
the horse show Taverne in Drury Lane and divided
the same betwixt them equally And further
this Informant doth not say.

Jurat hoe Vicessimo Tertio die Aprilis
Anno Dem 1696. Coram me.
Ri Levett< no role >

The marke of
William Griffen< no role >

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