City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

28th January 1696 - 15th October 1696

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150070138

Image 138 of 23122nd June 1696

The humble Peticon of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poore of
the Parish of St. Andrew Holborne in the County of [..]


That one Anne Herbert< no role > the wife ofJohn Thomas Herbert< no role > wth. child aged about
nyne monethes by warrt. under the hands & seales of twoe of his Maties
Justices of the peace (one being of the Qnox) were brought by the Church
Wardens of St. Gyles wth. out Cripplegate London to yor. Petr. to be
provided for upon the oath of the said Anne That the said Thomas
her husband is now in his Maties Service in Flanders And that his
last legall Settlemt was in yor. petr said parish of St Andrewes in Mich by whom shee
hath had one child now living of the age of nyne mone this Whereas
in truth the said Thomas Herbert< no role > was only lodged in their parish as
a Souldier And was killed in Flander above three yeares thin saw
that the said Anne Herbert< no role > hath had her dwelling Cripplegate
Parish for 2 yeares past whoe her said And was borne about 9 monthes

Yor. petr. humble suite unto yor good Honor. & worpps is That
yor. wilbe pleased to heare yor. Petrs in the parishes And Quash [..] over And to And
the said Anne Herbert< no role > to the said parish of St. Gyles wth. out
Cripplegate in London to be provided for according to ye Law


And they shall pray Etc

[..] Pet co. [..] co. Pish & St Andr Holborn to [..]
the ord do [..] co. Pish & St G. wth. out [..] Lone [..]
Metn [..] Just co. et E [..] Justice co. old B Lon [..]
[..] E A Herdicts [..]

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