City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080148

Image 148 of 17715th July 1696


To the Right Honoble Sr. Edwd. Clerke< no role > Knt . Lord Maior of the City
of London And the Right Words. the Rest of his Maties Justices of
the Peace att the Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace

The humble petition & appeale of the Churchwardens of
the Parish of St. John Wappinin ye County of Middx.

That one John Meredith< no role > with his wife and three children by Virtue of
a Warrant under the hands and Seales of twoe of his Maties Justices of
the Peace of this City (one bein [..] e Quor) were sent to yor Petrs.
from the parish of St. Gyles without Cripplegate London To be pvided
for on the Oath of the said John Meredith that his last legall
Settlement was in the parish of St. John Wapping where hee lived as
a hired servant by the yeare with one Georg Cowderat after the rate of
Five pounds wages p Annm Whereas in truth the said John Meredith
never lived as a hired servant with the said George Cowderat< no role > for the
space of Forty dayes

Yor. Petr. humble suite to yor. Honors. and Worpps. is to
hear them in the prmisses And to Quash the said Order
made by the said two Justices And sent the said John
< no role > with his wife & three children to the Church-
wardens of St. Gyles wthout. Cripplegate To be pvided
and mainteyned untill They can Free themselves thereof
by the Law.

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