City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080153

Image 153 of 17715th July 1696

Appeale of Enting in Midd
order confirmed

To ye Rht Honble. the Lord Mayor of ye
City of London and Aldermen assembled
at Guildhall at ye Quarter Sessions held for ye
said Citty of London

The humble petion of ye Churchwardens and
Overseers of ye poor of ye parish of Ealing in ye
County of Middlesex


That by vertue of an Order under ye hands and Seales of ye Rht
Honble. ye Lord Mayor and Sr . Robert Geffryes< no role > two of
his Majtys. Justices of ye Peace for ye Citty of London date
23d. day of August last past Frances Adryan< no role > a Girle
of ye age of 12 yeares was passed from ye parish of
St. Bridgett all Brides London to ye Parish of Ealing as
being ye place of where She serve as an apprentice for ye
Space of five yeares with one Ann Hughes< no role > widdow
thereby to gains a settlemt. in the said parish of Ealing .

Yor. Petrs. thinking themselves
agained by ye said Pass doe humbly
appeal to this Honble. Cors. for releife
in the Prmises ye Said Frances Adryan< no role > [..]
haveing never had any Settlement in ye
said parish of Ealing .

the marke of
Stephen Duff< no role > }

the marke of
Richd: Owen< no role > }
Overseer of ye poor

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