City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080152

Image 152 of 17715th July 1696

To the Right Honoble. Sr . Edwd. Clerke< no role > Knt . Lord Maior of the
City of London And to the Right Worll. the rest of his Maties Justices
of the Peace att the Generall Quarter Sessions of ye Peace assembled

The petition and Appeale of the Churchwardens of the Parish
of Woodford in the County of Essex .


That one Margt. Salt< no role > by Virtue of a Warrt. under the Hands & Seales of twoe of
his Maties. Justices of the Peace of this City Dated 16 September 1697 was sent
to yor. Petrs. to be provided for on the Oath of the said Margarett That her last
legall Settlement was in the said Parish of Woodford in Essex where shee lived
with one Mr. Shelley as a hired servant for the Space of four yeares and an halfe
Whereas in truth the said Margaret Dwelt with Mr. Peter Shelley< no role > for above
A yeare before August 1694 And about Michas 1694 came & Dwel as a hired
servant with Mr. Dampney in the Parish of Christchurch London where shee
continued above a whole yeare And afterwardes about Xpmas 1695 She came
again & Dwelt with the said Mr. Shelley as A Servant where shee continued about
four monethes untill about May 1696 & then being lame & Speechles was put into St.
Bartholmew 's & into St. Thomas Hosplls. where shee continued till the 13th. September
1697 And soe had no longer continuance with the said Mr. Shelley since her settlemt.
with Mr. Dampney then the said four monethes The Hospitalls not being any place
of Settlement for any Pson sent thither

Their humble suite to yor. good Honors. & Worpps. 10s To hear them
in the Prmisses And Quash the said Warrant or order & send the said
Margt. to the Churchwardens of Christchurch where shee Dwelt wth.
Mr. Dampney for above a yeare before her last comeing to Dwell wth. the
said Mr. Shelley being the last place of her legall Settlemt.

And They shall pray etc.

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