City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080173

Image 173 of 17718th December 1696

To the Right Honoble. Sr . Edward Clerke< no role > Knt Lord Maior of the City of
London And the Rt. Worll yr. rest of his Maties Justices of the peace att the Quartr.
Sessions of the Peace Assembled.

The humble Petition and Appeale of the Churchwardens of
the Parish of St. Brides


That by Virtue of A Warrant undr. the Hands and Seales of twoe of here
of his Maties. Justices of the Peace of this City one being of the Quor One
Mary Hudson< no role > was sent from the Parish of St. Dunstans in the West London
to yor. Petitioner to be provided for upon the Oath of the said Mary That
she lived as an hired servant att the Castle Taverne in Fleetestreete in the
said Parish of St. Brides for the space of nine monethes as her last legall
Settlement Whereas in truth the said Mary was about Michas 95 married
to Thomas Hudson< no role > A servant to one Mr. Parry with whom he had Dwelt
about A yeare then past who lodged att Mr. Robinsons in three Craine Court
in the Parish of St. Dunstans in the West where the said Mary lived with him
for the space of two monethes and was last settled with her said Husband in
the said Parish of St. Dunstans

Their humble suite to yor. good Honor. Worpp. is to hear
them in the Prmisses And to Quash the said Warrant
made by the said two Justices And order the said Mary
< no role > to be provided for by the Churchwardens of St. Dunstans
the West where her Husband was last legally settled as

And they shall Ever Pray etc.

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