City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080170

Image 170 of 17710th April 1697

Apud Guihale P Adionment die Martis 26o January 1696

upon the humble peticon of the Churchwardent & Overseers of the poore
of the Hamblett of Spittle fields in the County of Midd Itt is ordered by
this Court That Mary harper< no role > widdow of John Harper< no role > dece & mother
of Jonathan Harper< no role > doi appeare here before his Maties. Justices of the
Peace on Thursday the fourth day of February now next ensueing
att eight of he clocke in the forenoone To shew [..] why shee should
not provide for & mainteyne Hannah Harper< no role > her daughter in Lawe
now chargeable to the said Hamblett

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