City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

7th September 1696 - 21st October 1697

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150080160

Image 160 of 1779th June 1697

To the Rt. Worll. Sr . Edwd. & Clerke< no role > Knt . Lord Maior of
the City of London And to the Rt. Worll. the rest of his
Maties. Justices of ye Peace Att the Quarter Sessions of the
Peace Assembled.

The Peticon and Appeale of he Churchwardens & Overseers
of the Poore of the Parish of Christchurch London


That one Anne Wright< no role > by Virtue of a Warrant under the Hands and
Seales of two of his Maties. Justices of the Peace wthin this City Dated 9th.
June 1697 was brought & Delivered by the Churchwardens of St. Sepulchers
London to yor. Petr. upon the Oath of one Margaret Chadwicke< no role > That the
said Anne Wrights legall settlement is in yor. petrs. Parish of Christ-
Church Where her Father was an Appntice Whereas in truth her said
father was an Appntice to John Chadwicke< no role > But the said Chadwicke
was not a settled Inhabitant in yor. Petr said Parish of Christchurch
According to the Law

Their humble suite to yor. Honors. and Worpp. is That
you with pleased to hear them in the prmisses And
Quash the said Warrant And send the said Anne
< no role > to the Churchwardens of St. Sepulchers To be by
them provided for untill They can Free themselves
of the Charge thereof by due Course of Law.

And They shall Pray etc.

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