City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

29th January 1699 - 19th December 1700

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150110054

Image 54 of 21729th April 1700


Ad General Quarterial Session Pacis Din Regis tent P Civitat London
apud Cuihald enisdue Civitat At infra eandm Civitat die Lune Scilt Prime
die July Anno regin Din uri Witts this Dei gra Angl Scoc Franc & Hibnie
Regis Fides Defensor Etc Duodecimo Coram Ricd Lovett< no role > mil Major Civitat
London Willm Pritchard< no role > mil Thomas Stampe< no role > mil Willm Ashurst< no role > mil Edw Clarke< no role >
mil Aldris Civitat pred & Salathiel Lovell< no role > mil un Serview Aci Din Regis Ad
legem At Recordator euisdue Civitat Justic dci Din Regis Ad pacer in Civitat
pred Conservand Nornon ad din or felon Tusgr & al male fca infra can did
Civitat P petrat audiend Etc unni and Assign

Whereas in and by the Statute made in the 43d. yeare of the Regine
of the late Queene Elizth. Intituled An Act for the releife of the poore Amongst
other things Itt is Enacted That the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore
of every Parish doe and Shall within fower dayes after the end of their yeare
And after other Overseers are nominated thereunto make and yeild upp unto
twoe Justices of the Peace in the same County (whereof One to be of the
Quox dwelling in or near the same Parish or division where the same Parish
doth Lie And the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of every Parish
within the Citty of London To every Alderman of the Said Citty within
his ward (A true and perfect Account (amongst other things) of all Sumes of
money by them the Said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore Received
or Rated and Assessed and nott received for and towards the necessary releife
of the poore in every Parish And alsoe for the putting out of poore of
Children there to be Appntices And his Maties. Justices of the Peace now
Assembled att this Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden for
the Said Citty of London being Informed of the greate neglects and defaults
of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Severall Parishes and

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