City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

29th September 1758 - 3rd December 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150700129

Image 129 of 13614th March 1759

To the Right Hoble . Sr . Richard Glyn< no role > Knt .
Lord Mayor Sr . William Moreton< no role > Recorder
and the Rest of his Majestys Justices of the
Peace for the City of London and Libertys there
of at their General Quarter Session of the
Peace Assembled.

The Humble petition and Appeal of the Church
wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary White
Chapel in the County of Middlesex .


That by a Pass or Order of Removal under the Hands and
Seals of Your Lordship and Francis Cokayne< no role > Esqr . two of this
Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said City and Libertys
(whereof one is of the Quorum) bearing Date this Sixth day of
June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine
Benjamin Scrivener< no role > aged Seventy two Years was Removed
from the Parish of St. Botolph without Bishopgate in
the said City to the said Parish of St. Mary White Chapel
as the Place of his last Legal Settlement.

That your Petitioners and Appellts. Appreheding
themselves to be Aggrieved by the said Order of the said two
Justices Do Appeal to this Court against the same

Your petitioners and Appellts. therefore humbly
Pray that this Court will appoint a Day this Present
Session for the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the said Parish of St. Botolph without Bishopgate
and all other persons concerned to Attend this Court to hear
and abide the Judgment and Determination of the same
touching the said appeal and that your Petitioners and
Appellants may be Relieved as this Court shall see meet

And your Petitioners and Appellts. shall ever
Pray Etc.

July 1759.

Mr. Billington Jor. for

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