City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

6th December 1784 - 2nd January 1787

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150970459

Image 459 of 46627th October 1786

Silk Stockings & the Value of twelve Shillings one other Silk
Stocking of the Value of Two Shillings three Muslin Aprons of the
Value of fourteen Shillings one Cloth Apron of the Value of
six Shillings Four Mens Cambrick Neck Handkerchiefs of
the Value of twelve Shillings Two Womens Muslin Neck Handkerchiefs
of the Value of five Shillings four China Saucers of the Value of four
Shillings one Morocco Pocket Book of the Value of five Shillings
sixteen Yard of Silk Ribbon of the Value of two Shillings and six pence
three le allico Muslin Caps of the Value of three Shillings one
quarter of an Ounce of India Cotton of the Value of one Penny One
Print Intituled The Death of Captain Cook of the Value of twenty
Shillings and twelve other Drink or of the Value of ten Shillingsone pair of linen Streets of the Value of eighteen Shillings
of the Goods and Chattles of the said Catharine Anderson< no role > one linen
one Jacconet Muslin Apron of the Value of six Shillings one linen
Shift of the Value of three Shillings one linen Street of the [..]
of four Shillings one pair of Womens Cotton Stockings of the Value
of three Shillings one linen Pocket Handkerchief
Night Cap
of the Value of Two Shillings Two Silk Cloaks of the Value of four
pounds one Silk Gown of the Value of Twenty Shillings one pair
of Linen Sheets of the Value of eighteen Shillings one Jacconet
Muslin Apron of the Value of six Shillings one linen Shift of the
Value of three Shillings one linen Shirt of the Value of four
Shillings one pair of Womens Cotton Stockings of the Value of
three Shillings one linen Pocket Handkerchief of the Value
of one Shillings and six pence and one Russia Towel< no role > of the
Value of one Shilling of the Goods and Chattles of Henry Fosbery< no role >
in the same Dwelling House then and there being found feloniously
and burglariously did steal take and carry away against the
Peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity Wherefore
the Sheriff of the said County of Surrey is commanded that he
omit not by reason of any Liberty in his Bailiwick but that
he take the said John Eling to answer the premises Which said
Indictment the abovenamed Justices of our said Lord the King
afterward, to wit at the same Delivery of the Gaol of our said
Lord the King holden for our said Lord the King at Kingston
upon Thomas aforesaid in and for the said County of Surrey
on the said Wednesday the said twenty second Day of March in
the twenty sixth Year of the Reign of our said Lord the King
Before the said Sir Henry Gould< no role > Knight and Sir William
Henry Ashhurst< no role > Knight and others their Follows Justices as
aforesaid appointed to deliver the said Gaol of the said County
of Surrey of the Prisoners therein being by their own proper Hands
do deliver here in Court of Record in form of Law to be determined
Whereupon at the same Delivery of the said Gaol of the County

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