Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

10th June 1713 - 17th October 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400000242

Image 242 of 27712th January 1721

Moore issued another Sumons directed to the said Mr. Stanford and his
wife to appear before him on the Seven and twentieth of the said Month
to answer the said Elizabeth Moss< no role > Elizabeth Langley< no role > and others and for
a Contempt in disobeying his former Sumons (in which former Sumons
the said Hanfords wife was not included) in neither of which Sumons's
any particular cause was Assigned, nor any Oath made as appears to
ground them upon.

That the said Sr. William Moore< no role > did improperly and illegally on the
three and twentieth of February 1720 discharge out of the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell , by takeing bail for then appearance at the then
next Sessions of the Peace for this County, Elizabeth Childe and Mary
Berks Committed the same day by Joseph Haynes< no role > Esqr for being loose
Idle and disorderly Women, taken the night before wandering the
Streets and endeavouring to Pick up Men and otherwise misbehaving
themselves, and to be put to hard Labour, untill discharged by due
Course of Law.

That the said Sr. William Moore< no role > did Grant several Sumons's and
Warrants against one John Ronfeild< no role > for having two Wives and
afterwards being himself in Custody upon an Arrest for debt Sent for
the said Ronfield and desired him to become his bayl, and Offered to
make the matter Easy to him with respect to the said Prosecution, or to
that effect as appears by the said Bonfields Affidavit.

That several other complaints were made to this Court That the
said Sr. William Moore< no role > had in many instances bailed and discharged
many persons Committed by other Justices without consulting the
said Justices, or endeavouring so to do, the Contrary of which has
been often and earnestly Recomended by this Court to all Justices
in the Comission, and is generally practised to avoyd the Junermemeurs
that may in any wife arise in bailing or discharging such persons from
a want of due Informacon of the nature of the Complaint and
Evidence thereupon, unless in particular and special cases, or where the
said Justices comitting; cannot as sometimes happens be applyed to
That the said Sr. William Moore< no role > did on the Seven and twentieth of
February last discharge out of the house of Correction at Clerkenwell
one Richard Herbert< no role > Comitted thither by Joseph Layne< no role > Esqr the
Six and twentieth of February 1720 without acquainting the said
Mr Hayne therewith, and though the Court of General Sessions of
the peace for this County was that day Sitting.

That by Order of this Court the said Sr. William Moore< no role > was by a
Letter from the Clerk of the peace dated the Seven and twentieth of

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