Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

10th June 1713 - 17th October 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400000267

Image 267 of 27712th October 1721

Examination they may appear to have a Settlement and deal
farther with them, in such manner as they are enabled by the
Statute of the 12 of the late Queen aforesaid

Your Comittee are likewise of Opinion That where Justices
apprehend my danger of infection by Persons suffering too
great a Number of Inmates contrary to Law, to harbour
in any House-in such case your Comittee recomend the
Binding over the Landlord or Keeper of such House to the
next Quarter Sessions, there to answer for their harbouring
such Inmates contrary to Law and to oblige the Church
Wardens or Overseers to prosecute them for such offence

The Annoyances occasioned by Butchers from their
Slaughter Houses coming next under the Consideration of
your Comittee, they are of Opinion that as there is noe
statute in force upon which the Justices can proceed to effect
against such Offenders they conceive the only proper methods
are to prosecute them for these Offences, as they are
Nusances by the Common Law

Your Comittee in the next place are to take Notice of
the great Destruction made by Brandy and Geneva Shops
whose Owners Retail their Liquors to the poorer sort of
People and do suffer them to Sett Tipling in their Shops,
by which practice they are not only render'd incapable
of Labour to get an honest living but (by their Bodys
being kept in a continued heat) are thereby more lyable
to receive Infection.

To present in some measure these sort of Evils for the
future, your Comittee are of opinion-That the Justices be
desired to proceed to Suppress all Shops who Retail
these sort of Liquors without Licence where they are
not excused by any Law from taking Licences.

Your Comittee do likewise observe that the great
Number of Hogs are kept by Brewers Distillers Starch
makers and other Persons within the Weekly Bills of
Mortality contrary to the Statute of the 2d & 3d William
and Mary made for paving and cleansing the Streets
within the paid Limitts which your Comittee are of
Opinion are at all times a very great Annoyance to his
Majesty's Subjects and must be very dangerous it God

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