Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010017

Image 17 of 29427th February 1722

Sume of Thirty five pounds Seven Shillings and Seven
pence half penny for the Worke and Materialls
above mentioned, which last mentioned Sume this
Court doth Order and direct to be paid or tendred
by Thomas Burdus< no role > Esquire Treasurer of the Moneys
received for Repair of the said House of Correction
unto the said John Warden< no role > for the said Worke and
Materials, whose Receipt together with this Order
or a true Copy thereof shall, be a Sufficient Discharge
to the said Treasurer for such Payment But the said
John Warden< no role > is at liberty to prove by Way of
Admeasurement any other or greater quantity
of Worke by him done to the said House of Correction
upon giving reasonable Notice thereof to the Committee
present at such Admeasurement and to employ
an Admeasurer (if they shall think fit) to
Supervise the said Admeasurement And the said
Justices are desired to certify to the Court an Accompt
of what shall appear to them concerning the
matter in Question, And the Court will afterwards
Consider whether the said John Warden< no role > shall have
any greater or other allowance,

Midd: ss:

To his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middx in their General Sessions Assembled.

Rept. touching mre
in difference betwn.
Mrs. Seymour & Mr
Fra: Geary< no role >

The Comittee whose Names are hereunto Set to whom
amongst other of his Majties. Justices of the peace for this
County it was referred by Order of the last General Quarter
Sessions of the peace held for this County to Enquire into
the truth of the Complaint of Francis Geary< no role > and to report
the same unto this Court with the Opinions touching
the premisses, and in what manner the Petitioner
Geary ought to be redressed (if aggrieved) did proceed
to Enquire into the said matters to them referred, and
had severall meetings for that purpose and the said
Gearys Complaint appeared to be that on the 5th. of
January 1715/16 he came to an Agreement with Mrs.

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